
Krasznai Gábor (Kraszi)

I am Gábor Krasznai

I have been involved in squash for more than 30 years as a competitor, coach and international tournament referee.
Even after all this time, I am still learning new techniques, tricks and tactics on a weekly basis, which makes this sport an eternal love for me!
I hope to open a window to this wonderful and tough sport for others!

Dohány Rita

I believe that we will find common ground. It's important to me that you have fun in training. I can use my professional knowledge and experience to help you develop at a pace that suits your own abilities and motivation.

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Kamocsai Bendegúz

"If you like squash and you are open for development, contact me with confidence!"

James Hyatt

Still incredibly passionate about this amazing game. Been involved in playing and coaching this sport for 49 years. Would like to help anyone at the club to improve there own game. I focus on technique, tactics, shot selection etc which i believe are extremely important. 

Makra Roland

"....Beginner - Advanced amateur and hobby players who just feel like honing their squash skills...."

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